Welcome! My name is Sabrina and I am a sound therapist and spiritual counselor. I help people find emotional and spiritual well-being utilizing the power of sound.

The Science of Sound

Sound therapy is a form of mindfulness and is a wonderful way to encourage your mind and body to return into a state of vibrational harmony. Counteract the negative effects of stress easily and naturally with sound.

Some benefits of sound therapy include improved quality of sleep, enhanced focus and concentration, relaxation and calmness of the mind, and activation of the parasympathetic nervous system (sound activates the vagus nerve which is the major parasympathetic nerve in the body).

A bit about the science behind sound; everything in the universe has a vibrational frequency. When we use certain instruments, such as singing bowls and tuning forks, the sound waves created by these instruments can alter your brainwave frequencies, shifting your brainwaves from the beta state (normal consciousness) to the theta state (relaxed consciousness), and even to delta state (sleeping). Furthermore, sound waves can slow down the heart and respiratory rate, calming your mind and body.

Sound therapy is a revitalizing experience and has so many benefits. Book a session with me to experience these benefits for yourself!

*Sound therapy is not therapeutic, or a form of traditional therapy and mental health counseling. Rather, it is a complementary wellness practice meant to encourage harmony and balance within your mind, body, and soul.

Live with Love