The Art of Flow

How changing your frequency can help you become more in tune with the Universe

Everything is made up of energy. The Universe is energy, we are energy, even the things we can touch such as objects are energy. Energy vibrates at different frequencies, and can vibrate at lower frequencies, making something much more dense, or higher frequencies. The energy that we emit also vibrates at a certain frequency, and is known as our aura or subtle energy field. Our aura includes our thoughts, feelings, the environment we are in, our relationships, the food we eat, and so many other things.

We are always in motion; nothing is ever permanent, including our frequency, or aura. If you have ever had an aura reading done, the aura that is read is your subtle energy field, or frequency that you are vibrating at in that exact moment. It is natural for our auras to change, to constantly be in in motion. Fluidity is normal, even necessary. Perhaps there may be times where you feel your frequency feels “low” or your aura just seems “off”. Other times you may feel like you are magnetic, and everyone that day is drawn towards you. That is your frequency influencing your life.

Not only are we every changing, so is everything around us. Being in tune with the universe is to open ourselves up to present moment, recognizing we are all One, and surrendering to the flow of life. It is like giving up the struggle of swimming upstream and surrendering to the effortless flow of being in sync with all of creation. Constant motion is the driving force of evolution. It is what allows us to learn, to grow, and heal. It is also what allows us to expand our possibilities, to continue to innovate and evolve. If we don’t honor our innate fluidity, we become stuck, trapped in our self-made prison of scarcity until our soul slowly starts to chip away and we become nothing but a body. Let us honor ourselves by nourishing the fruit of our flow. Our ability to be at ease. To effortlessly live without fear, anxiety, and rigidity. To simply be present. To breathe, to listen, to be still. To be One.

So how do we honor our natural changes in frequency while becoming more in tune with the universe?

Reframe Your Thoughts

Our thoughts have power. When we focus our thoughts on something, we emit a signal with a specific frequency. This signal is then broadcast into the universe, and it begins to attract energy that vibrates at the same frequency. In order attract a positive outcome, it is important to have a positive outlook. An exercise to help reprogram any negative thinking is to identify and acknowledge negative thoughts and ask yourself “Is this really true”? “Are there other explanations”? Try to challenge your thoughts, and gather evidence if your thought is true. Finally, replace that thought with one that is more positive and realistic.

Think Before You Speak

Similar to our thoughts, our words hold frequency. The vibration of language is never to be underestimated. Each word carries a certain power; the power to uplift or the power to tear down. When we speak negatively, it influences our thoughts and our actions. Negative words attract negativity and positive words attract positivity. I would like to ask you, have you ever said something you knew was wrong but said it anyway? How did it make you feel? Before you speak, I would like to encourage you to be mindful of what you are about to say.

Regulate Your Nervous System With a Sound Bath

A sound bath is one of the easiest ways to re-tune yourself to your natural frequency. As a sound healer, I cannot tell you how many times I have seen people change into a completely different person after a sound bath. That is because a sound bath regulates our nervous system. During a sound bath we are bathed in the singing bowls’ natural frequencies. A sound bath can increase our production of nitric oxide and help stimulate the vagus nerve, which is responsible for our Autonomic Nervous System. Not only that, but the intervals in which the bowls are played have an effect on our nervous system. The perfect 5th is one of the best intervals (commonly a C & G) because it promotes harmony and balance. I would encourage you to try a sound bath in your area or you can visit my YouTube channel for free sound healing videos.

Connect With Creativity

Finding time for creativity and expressing yourself is such an important outlet, and should not be overlooked! When we are able to connect with our creativity, we are raising our frequency by reconnecting to our innate essence, as we are all creative individuals with a need to be able to express ourselves. Ask yourself, “How can I invite more creativity into my life?” Take the pottery class you always wanted to try. Garden and connect with plants and the energy of the Earth. Create a scrapbook. Journal. Be spontaneous. Try something new. Most importantly, have fun!


Meditating, especially with sound bowls, is a wonderful way to change your frequency. Again, our minds hold so much influence. If we are able to regulate our minds it allows us to become more in tune and feel more at peace. A simple meditation is to imagine yourself floating in a body of water. It can be the ocean, a lake, a river. Wherever. Feel yourself weightless. The sun is shining down up you, warming your body against the slightly cool water. No one or nothing else is around but you. Floating in this beautiful body of water. Now begin to imagine any sensations you may be feeling. The gentle waves washing against your skin. The sun shining, warming your body. A smile making its way onto your face as you ease into this feeling of effortlessness. Allow yourself to feel what it is like to be weightless, experiencing the nothingness of lightness, of ease.

With love,

Sabrina 💗


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