Soul & Sound Illumination

‘The spiritual journey is one of constant transformation. In order to grow, you must give up the struggle to remain the same, and learn to embrace change at all times.’

~ Michael A. Singer, Author of “The Untethered Soul”

What is Soul & Sound Illumination?

Heart-Centered Transformation

Soul & Sound Illumination is a powerful & transformational modality rooted in self-compassion that aims to help you achieve your goals through spiritual counseling and sound therapy. Spiritual counseling intends to heal at the soul level. Like a compass, it gives us direction and helps us connect with our soul's purpose and passion. Through this, we begin to transform naturally, from the inside out.

What is your soul? Your soul is the immaterial essence and totality of who you are at the human level – it is your authentic self. A unique expression of the Divine which we call Spirit, your soul can be thought of as Spirit embodied.

As the force that animates, moves, and even speaks to us, our souls are said to be the source of our intuition and higher knowing. Spiritual counseling is not psychological counseling, but rather reflective and empathic listening and spiritual guidance. The goal of spiritual counseling is to help one explore the soul’s relationship to the deeper facets of emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.

While listening, I will ask you questions and reflect thoughts back to you. This will help you clarify in your own mind the issues before you. In lieu of offering specific solutions, spiritual counseling encourages you to reach within yourself to find the best solution for you. This form of counseling allows you the opportunity to be seen and heard with someone who will listen fully without exercising any form of personal judgment. Simply by being allowed to tell your story in your own words you can let what is ready to be released and received make its way. I complement these soul sessions with divinely led guidance, and prayer (religious and non-religious) if the client chooses to.

Sound therapy is based on the utilization of sound vibrations to improve physical and emotional health and well-being. Every thought, feeling, organ, muscle, and cell in our body creates a vibration. When the vibration is in harmony with the rest of the body, we experience health and when it lacks harmony, we experience disease. Through tuning forks, crystal singing bowls, and other instruments, a person’s energy field is encouraged to return to a state of vibrational harmony and balance. These frequencies also can calm down an overactive mind, balance the hemispheres of the brain, and promote a sense of inner peace. Crystals and guided visualization may also be used to support your goals in greater ways.

Soul & Sound Illumination provides you with the opportunity to explore your goals on a deeper level, making room for new insights and understandings, and compassionate expression. We will begin the session with time for you to explore what you would like to work on. About halfway through the session we will utilize sound therapy to help you achieve your goals. In every session, the client is in charge, I simply follow and hold space. The alchemy of sound and spiritual counseling provides you with the opportunity to find peace within your heart, mind, body, and spirit.


What is a Soul & Sound Illumination session like?

Reflective and empathic listening

Sound therapy

Spiritual guidance

Chakra and aura balancing

Meditation practices including guided visualization

Prayer (religious and non-religious)


For whom is a Soul & Sound Illumination session for?

Emotional, spiritual, and energetic support

Life transitions such as in relationships, careers, and friendships

Awakening your soul’s purpose

Cultivating greater self-awareness

Pricing is $180 per session.

Time for each session is 90 minutes.

Contact me for location.

Virtual sessions are available.